by Eriksen Insurance | Jul 24, 2019 | Employer benefits
The Libertarian Replublic reports: “It can be a real challenge for a small business to keep employees interested in sticking around for the long haul. Larger companies always seem to have the upper hand, especially when it comes to offering enticing employee...
by Eriksen Insurance | May 20, 2019 | Small Business
Prairie Business reports: “Yes! Student loan debt is one of the most difficult financial issues facing new grads. Rising costs of tuition/education can make it hard for new grads to get a start in life – whether it be buying their first home, purchasing a new...
by Eriksen Insurance | Oct 25, 2018 | Employer benefits
Forbes reports: “It’s the hottest employee benefit of 2018. Student loan repayment assistance. Vacation time, 401k plans and health insurance are great, but what recent graduates really want is help repaying their student loan debt. Here’s what you...
by Eriksen Insurance | Aug 18, 2017 | Medicare
The Fool reports: “There are several popular misconceptions about the financial condition of Medicare, which virtually all American senior citizens rely on to cover healthcare expenses in retirement. Many people believe Medicare is broke, or that there’s...
by Eriksen Insurance | Mar 8, 2017 | Medicare
The Motley Fool reports: “Medicare covers more than 54 million beneficiaries, around 77% of whom are happy with their insurance. Yet this vital social program doesn’t cover every single beneficiary’s needs. If you’re covered by Medicare, or...