by Eriksen Insurance | May 20, 2019 | Medicare
MSN Money reports: “Many Americans are stressed about paying for late-in-life healthcare. Studies show that over a third of US adults are more concerned about covering health costs in retirement than paying off debt and affording lifestyle expenses right now,...
by Eriksen Insurance | Apr 15, 2019 | Medicare
Axios reports: “Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” push has upended Democratic politics almost as thoroughly as it would upend the health care system. Why it matters: The coverage most of us are used to — private insurance through the workplace...
by Eriksen Insurance | Apr 15, 2019 | Medicare
Insurance News Net reports: “The American Hospital Association issued the following statement by Executive Vice President Tom Nickels: “America’s hospitals and health systems share the goal of achieving universal coverage for all Americans. However,...
by Eriksen Insurance | Apr 9, 2019 | Affordable Care Act, Medicare
CNBC reports: “In an interview with The Washington Post published this week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi challenged a health-care proposal touted by many Democrats, questioning if the “Medicare for All” bill will be able to supply as much coverage as...
by Eriksen Insurance | Apr 9, 2018 | Medicare
Bloomberg reports: “Deep in a budget deal Congress passed earlier this year — just 118 words in Section 53116, a little before passages on prison reporting data and payment yields for seed cotton — was a hit to pharmaceutical companies that will cost...
by Eriksen Insurance | Apr 5, 2018 | Medicare
The Motley Fool reports: “If you’re a senior on Medicare, new cards are coming soon. New cards will be mailed out between April 2018 and April 2019, and these new cards will no longer have your Social Security number on them. The switch to the new Medicare...