by Eriksen Insurance | Jul 24, 2019 | Health Insurance Cost
JD Supra reports: “Background Healthcare coverage became an employer-offered benefit during World War II as the result of the federal government’s wage and price controls[1]. Since that time, Medicare has become an important part of how healthcare is provided to...
by Eriksen Insurance | Jul 24, 2019 | Employer benefits
JD Supra reports: “On June 13, 2019, the Department of Labor, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Treasury (the “Departments”), published final regulations which significantly broaden the types of health plans that may be...
by Eriksen Insurance | Dec 17, 2014 | Affordable Care Act, Small Business
Benefits Pro reports: “The evidence continues to mount that mid-to-large corporations will fine-tune, but won’t abandon, employee health plans. A Towers Watson survey of 379 companies in that size range found, among other trends, that companies believe in...
by Eriksen Insurance | Oct 17, 2014 | Exchange, Insurance Reform
Benefits Pro reports: “Oops. The private exchange juggernaut may have just hit a bump in the road to success. Myriad studies have tried to fathom whether major employers will decide to shift their employees to the growing number of private health exchanges. Some...
by Eriksen Insurance | Oct 3, 2014 | Group Health Insurance
Benefits Pro reports: “Nearly one in four employers say they may move their employees toprivate exchanges within the next few years, but virtually none of them are considering public exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, new analysis...