by Eriksen Insurance | Jul 24, 2019 | Affordable Care Act, Obamacare
The S HR M reports: “The U.S. House of Representatives voted on July 17 to abolish the so-called “Cadillac tax” on employer-sponsored high-value health plans, set to take effect in 2022. If the Senate passes the measure and the president signs it...
by Eriksen Insurance | Jul 24, 2019 | Health Insurance Cost
JD Supra reports: “Background Healthcare coverage became an employer-offered benefit during World War II as the result of the federal government’s wage and price controls[1]. Since that time, Medicare has become an important part of how healthcare is provided to...
by Eriksen Insurance | Feb 2, 2018 | Small Business
The Tax Advisor reports: “The IRS recently issued Notice 2017-67 to provide guidance on “qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements” (qualified small employer HRAs) under Sec. 9831(d). Qualified small employer HRAs enable an eligible...
by Eriksen Insurance | Aug 18, 2017 | Affordable Care Act, Health Care .gov
CNN Money reports: “In November 2015, Tina Heck was in her garage lifting 40-pound bags of wood pellets to fuel her heating stove, when something went very wrong with her back. “The next day, I could barely walk,” said the 55-year-old who lives on an...
by Eriksen Insurance | Mar 24, 2017 | Health Insurance News
Yahoo News reports: “It’s even clearer now how much the GOP plan to replace the Affordable Care Act will change health insurance for just about everyone. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office Monday released its estimates of the cost and impact of...