by Eriksen Insurance | Jul 24, 2019 | Health Insurance Cost
JD Supra reports: “Background Healthcare coverage became an employer-offered benefit during World War II as the result of the federal government’s wage and price controls[1]. Since that time, Medicare has become an important part of how healthcare is provided to...
by Eriksen Insurance | Apr 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
The New York Times reports: “We don’t know what will emerge as President Trump’s plan to replace Obamacare, which he has promised to unveil immediately after the 2020 elections. But he has recently endorsed several proposals, and they could provide clues. Over...
by Eriksen Insurance | Sep 19, 2017 | Affordable Care Act, Health Laws
The NY Times reports: “The Trump administration is slashing spending on advertising and promotion for enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, a move some critics charged was a blatant attempt to sabotage the law. Officials with the Department of Health and...
by Eriksen Insurance | Mar 24, 2017 | Health Insurance News
Yahoo Finance reports: “Dr. Bryan Hill spent his career working as a pediatrician, teaching at a university, and working at a hospital. But in March 2016, he decided he no longer wanted a boss. He took some time off, then one day he got a call asking if...
by Eriksen Insurance | Jan 11, 2016 | Health Insurance Cost, Health Insurance News, Heath Care Costs
Energy & Commerce Reports: “WASHINGTON, DC – The number of failed Obamacare CO-OPs grew to one dozen today as Michigan became the latest to announce it was closing. To date, 12 of the original 23 CO-OPs have closed, bringing the total cost to taxpayers at...