We specialize in helping Chicago individuals, families, and businesses sign up and manage their Health Insurance.
With the many changes to health insurance, you may be wondering what the right choices are for you and your family. Every year brings new options and plan designs, and we can answer all of your questions. The Eriksen Insurance Group has the knowledge to find you the best coverage, at the best price, for your situation.
We help our clients with the following:
- Signing up for a new policy
- Set up an Employer Group Plan
- Special Enrollment or Open Enrollment
- Explaining options and managing your current policy
- Reviewing doctor and hospital networks
- Help businesses manage their group health insurance and benefits plans
If you have a recent life changing event, you may qualify for a special enrollment period at any time. The next annual open enrollment period for securing medical insurance starts November 1st. Please call us at (847) 426-2788 for help determining your enrollment options.
Over the next 3 to 5 years the health insurance world will be in a state of flux. Even after your enrollment we will be here to answer all your questions and help you make the right decisions.
We are also proud of our 5 Star Google Places reviews. There is a wealth of information for you at our insurance reform blog. Thank you for visiting our website we look forward to working with you.
Thanks again,
Robert G. Eriksen, President
Personal Health Insurance Broker
Phone: (847) 426-2788
Email: Bob@EriksenInsurance.com