ILLINOIS: The legislature is set to begin debating several measures that would mandate coverage of certain benefits or access to certain providers. H.B. 120 and H.B. 122 would require coverage of intravenous feedings and prescription nutritional supplements. S.B. 97 would require coverage for hearing instruments and related services for individuals with a prescription. S.B. 802 would prohibit health insurers from mandating an optometrist to meet conditions not required of other eye care providers as a condition for participation in the health care plan, or from reimbursing the optometrist at a lower rate than other licensed providers.
The IRS announced last week that small businesses with fewer than 50 employees will have until July to end arrangements allowing workers to receive tax-free payments to buy coverage on the individual market. Violations could result in large tax penalties. This news follows last year’s announcement that employers who continued offering HRAs without also offering ACA-compliant health insurance would face a fine of up to $100 per day, per employee.