“Health care reform has introduced a new language of acronyms, terminology, and abbreviations. These acronyms are used to describe the law, regulations, health insurance, and government entities. Here is a list of the top 55 health care reform acronyms, and what they stand for.
55 Health Care Reform Acronyms
Health Reform Acronym | What it Stands For |
ACA | Affordable Care Act |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 |
AHO | Accountable Health Organization |
APTC | Advanceable Premium Tax Credit |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“Stimulus Bill”) |
AV | Actuarial Values |
BHP | Basic Health Plan |
CHIP | Children’s Health Insurance Program, enacted 1977 |
CHIPRA | Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 |
CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
CO-OP | Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan |
DOL | US Department of Labor |
ECP | Essential Community Provider |
EHB | Essential Health Benefits |
EHBP | Essential Health Benefits Package |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
ESI | Employer Sponsored Insurance |
FEHBP | Federal Employees Health Benefits Program |
FFS | Fee-For-Service |
FMAP | Federal Medical Assistance Percentage |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level |
FQHC | Federally Qualified Health Center |
FR | Federal Register |
FT | Full Time |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
GF | Grandfathered Health Plan |
HCR | Health Care Reform |
HHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
HIE or HIX | Health Insurance Exchange |
HIM | Health Insurance Marketplace |
HIT | Health Insurance Tax |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
HRP | High Risk Pools |
HRSA | Federal Health Resources and Services Administration |
IFR | Interim Final Rule |
MA | Medicare Advantage |
MAGI | Modified Adjusted Gross Income |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
MEC | Minimum Essential Coverage |
MedPAC | Medicare Payment Advisory Commission |
MV | Minimum Value |
OEP | Open Enrollment Period |
PEPM | Per Employee Per Month |
PMPM | Per Member Per Month |
PPACA | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act |
PT | Part Time |
PTC | Premium Tax Credit |
QHP | Qualified Health Plan |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
SEP | Special Enrollment Period |
SHOP | Small Business Health Options Program |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program |