“In an ongoing effort to deliver cost-effective solutions to your clients, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is excited to announce a rate adjustment for new and renewing small group business with April 1 effective dates!
BCBSIL is implementing this rate adjustment for new small groups with 2-150 insured employees sold with April 1, 2012 effective dates. This same rate adjustment is also being applied to renewing 2-150 groups with April 1 effective dates. Note that this adjustment applies to both regulated and non-regulated small group (2-150) health business.
For 2-150 new business quotes with April 1 effective dates that you have already processed, please note that you will need to re-process them to take advantage of the rate adjustment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but want to ensure all new business prospects can take advantage of the best rates available.
If you have already received April 1 renewal notices from BCBSIL, watch for updated renewals to be provided in the near future.
We are pleased to share this exciting news with you and your clients and appreciate your business.
Please contact your BCBSIL representative or general agent if you have any questions and thank you for your continued support!”